Saturday, April 28, 2007

internal imbalance

i think i might be falling for her,its becoming more than just an adventure and becoming genuine feelings,
she is kind,intelligent and caring. she is beautiful both inside and outside.
i look at her and smile each time,the way her hair gets tangled in her lashes, the way her nose crinkles when she smiles, the little gap in her teeth, the way she bites her lower lips when she is thinking, the way she looks when she is doing work and has on her enormous glasses, the way she smells early in the morning, the smoothness of her skin,the blondish downy hairs on her back, the dimples at the top of her butt,everything about her makes me adore her and i know she adores me too.
The question is this,am i ready to take this to the next level. Am i prepared to deal with the repercussions of dating a woman in this narrow minded society?should i even care what others would think? my parents? my friends?people i socialize with? they all know i like men,so to them it would be "where is this coming from?"
caring for someone is not just based on their sex i have realized, it doesn't matter whether it is a man or a woman,as long as you are treated with respect and affection.i know i still find men very attractive but it is just this ONE woman that is driving me insane.
Can we date outside our norm and within our sex? does that make one gay/lesbian? i wont identify as a lesbian because i refuse to be defined by a name or placed in a box. i am a woman who is choosing to be in a relationship of sorts with another woman because this person makes me very happy,happier than any man else has ever made me. if this person happens to be a woman then that is alright with me,and if that offends anyone,then too bad.


Dith said...

aww sweety! all i gotta say is 2 do wateva u feel makes u happy. stop bothering abt wat other folks would say.

howeva! u gotta prep urself up 4 wateva criticisms come ur way cos unfortunately dats d world we live in.
as 4 ur parents....i hope ur not plannin on tellin them...atleast not yet!

Anonymous said...

im a a babe is right,,u gotta prepare urself for whatever loved ones would say..B4 i'd turn up my nose on anyone liking someone of the same sex till my friend(a 9ja person)fell in love with someone of the same sex!i kinda chnaged my perspective a lil bit.Just be very sure of wat you are doing..Good luck

diary of a G said...

this is so F'ing sexy..!!sweeeet!!
See thats why Its good to be in touch with your feminine side as a
man sometimes

I got to admit I used to feel threaten by girls liking girls but
I've sort of gotten it

This is about you tho

like you said: you are a woman who is choosing to be in a relationship with another woman because this person makes me very happy

as long as she makes you happy
is as long as yawl should be together
when the feelings are gone
so will the relationship

I dig your style
I ait mad at ya

Life through rose-tinted glasses said...

too right babe too right! well written

Idemili said...

Yeah, what they all said.

I cannot believe Soul is not here. Where is she?

soul said...


You knew this from the beginning though. You didn't just think.. hey this is one sexy chica I wanna hang with...
you didn't think she was just a piece of meat, you didn't think this was about the joys of 'lesbian sex'.

You liked this woman from jump. You had something for this woman from jump. she intrigued you.

When you saw her, you thought she was "the most beautiful person you had ever seen, the type of beauty that radiates from the inside"
You've been fighting this, ever since you met her and realised that you felt an intense attraction to her.

You have it bad for this woman. Period.

Read back through all the things you wrote.
this was never about plain lust and it was never about you trying to 'have an experience'.

It was always about this connection between the two of you, something that went beyond the boundaries of what you knew before.

You've always known that you could end up here, you just never figured it would be this serious, this intense.. and probably.. not now.

Are you ready to take this to the next level?
Who knows?.. only you do.
you have to do what is comfortable for you, you have to remember that you only have one life to lead and to live. there are no second trial, no second chances.
You live for you.

If you cannot go through with this.. then don't.
If you want to make an attempt then do.
But always remember that YOU have to be comfortable.

Now, your attraction to Ms B does not mean that you are not attracted to guys anymore, it just means that you are capable of being attracted to either gender. you have nothing to prove to anyone about anything.
You are a sexy, beautiful woman, who attracts sexy, beautiful people....

There's a heck of a lot more I want to say.. but I think I've gone on for far too long.

just remember be well and be happy with your choice.

oh and there is absolutely no need to label yourself.
you are what you are.
you love who you love
you like who you like...
it's's broad
it was never meant to be a narrow path....

luminousnubian said...

Im a babe-when the time comes i will deal with the opinions of others,but for now i will just keep it between me and her. hell no am i going to tell my mother will take me for deliverance! LOL

pink satin- thanks for stopping by my blog,appreciate it, i never thought i would fall for a woman either, sexuality is really fluid i have learnt. thanks for the well wishes

G- thank you for digging my style lol, i hope we keep making each other happy.

Life through rose tinted glasses- thank you girl.

Idemili- enh!!! it is soul you are looking for?? i am jealous o! loljust kidding

soul- you reside in my head.xoxo

soul said...

nubian... lol.. you remind me of a time....... (smile)

Anonymous said...

hmmm.......... interesting writing.
Well, 'tis your call, if you want it, then.... as you like it. Only make sure 'tis what you have choose. Apparently, choice is the only freedom we have in this world.
...people's opinion, 'Opinions are personal, Facts are sacred'.

? said...

I feel like pole dancing, this is sooo empowering.